
Friday, November 26, 2010

Designer Shades, just to hide my face.

Cooler than me?


In fact, I often laugh at myself when "coolness" gets in the way. Now I'm not saying I'm cool at all, quite the contrary. If I was cool, these thoughts would not cross my mind... I'm pretty sure cool people don't think about being cool?

Anyways, that happened to me today... I took form over function.

I knew I was going to get my annual Black Friday pedicure at the mall with my dad and brother. Usually I forget to wear appropriate clothing and always end up having to wear those disposable flip flops that break within 5 minutes of walking in them, then I have to either ruin my pedicure by putting my converse back on or walk around barefoot, and barefoot inevitably wins... which is usually awkward and decently embarrassing for both me and other people in the mall.

But not today, today would be different, I thought as I eyed my old Birkenstock sandals, I choose to think ahead. And so I slip on my skinny jeans, ready to seize the day, only to realize that these are the worst possible pants ever to wear when getting a pedicure. I would sit in the chair, attempt to pull up my pants to place my feet in the spa, and struggle to at least get them above my calf.  But ultimately, I decide I don't care. I choose to look cool, in my skinny jeans, and risking the highest satisfaction of my pedicure.

Form over Function.

Today, my rational side just couldn't take over. I'm afraid it's becoming all too habitual for me these days...

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Commitment Issues.

"Commitment Issues." It's cliche. It's over-used. It's a cop-out. It's mine.

Today I was reading in My Upmost for His Highest [hey, every woman in my family has read it, it's a right to passage for me...] and it was about the story of Mary and Martha, when Jesus asks Martha:

Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes will never die. Do you believe this?

Martha answers: Yes! I do believe that you are THE Christ. 

Chambers goes on to say, To Believe is To Commit. 

I die. This always happens, I think to myself. 

You see, when God wants me to work on something, He is very obvious about it. I've been thinking a lot about commitment lately. I have a hard time committing to any kind of plans a week in advance; even as I type this, I cannot commit to plans for tonight, forget about committing to bigger things... Commitment Issues. I have decided to take a stand against this problem in my life, I'm taking baby steps. Someone asked me to see a concert a week ahead of time, and I said yes. What is my hesitation you ask? Well, my crazy self asks, what if I don't feel like going to the concert that night? What if something better comes along? Selfish. Period. I don't commit because I am selfish. [My best friend told me this the other day... not directly, but lovingly encouraged me to think about it.] 

To believe is to commit. 

Do I believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He is the resurrection and the life? If I believe this, am I committing to it? 

Commit: Entrust, practice. (NASB) 

Commit: To give in trust or charge, consign. 
: To pledge to an issue 
: To entrust 
: To consign to custody.

The last one is my favorite. Do you act as though you are consigned to God's custody? Adopted in, as his child? Is that what true belief looks like? 

"And Jesus, crying out with a loud voice, said, 'Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.' Having said this, He breathed His last." 
Luke 23:46

Jesus was showing His absolute dependence on God the Father... he was committing to him. We are selfish people, we don't want to commit because we think something better might come along. Chambers says, "In particular belief I commit myself spiritually to Jesus Christ, and determine in that thing to be dominated by the Lord alone." 

Do you believe this? If we believe that Jesus is the Christ, that he is who he says he is... wouldn't we act much differently? It would not be hard to commit, because we would know that there is nothing better, no better option will spring up, He is it. If we believe, we will act as one who is Consigned to God's Custody, and that in that consignment there is life

Psalm 37 says: 
Trust in the Lord and do good; 
dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness. 
Delight yourself in the Lord; 
and He will give you the desires of your heart. 
Commit your way to the Lord, 
trust in Him, and He will do it. 
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light, 
and your judgment like the noonday." 

Commit your way to God, and he will do [it], give you the desires of your heart. He will be the one to bring forth your righteousness, not you, or anyone else. Commitment is scary, but if we believe something, truly believe, commitment becomes a natural step in love, and a fruitful and blessed thing. 

My hope is that by truly believing and committing to God, it will overflow in the rest of my life. I'll be committing to plans a month in advance, being the one making the plans, and who knows, maybe even committing to a long-term relationship... let's not push it. (Seriously though, let's get rid of these commitment issues. I refuse to be a cliche.) 

Lord, help my unbelief. 

grace and peace. 


Monday, October 4, 2010

How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered!
 How blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not impute iniquity, 
and in whose spirit there is no deceit!
Psalm 32:1-2 

I read Running with Scissors, by Augusten Burroughs, a while back, and there is very little spiritual matter in this book, except something called "Bible Dipping." It is where you ask a question from the Bible, close your eyes, open it up, point your finger, open your eyes, and hope for a response straight from God. Seems like folly, yet I find it is probably more common than not. More likely I suppose than studying our own poop for unconscious evidence (which they also do in this book.) Let's be honest, we all love a good fortune. We even get it in cookies. 

So I didn't actually "Bible Dip" per say, but last night I was doing a little journaling, and I was heading who knows where as I opened my bible. And the first words I read were from Psalm 32, " I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you.." These words always seem to catch my eye, so I stopped, and thought, okay, tell me which way to go, God. Let's see what you've got. So I read the Psalm from the beginning, which is above, and I realized a few things. 

1. God forgives our sins. 
2. Our sins are covered. 
3. Our sins are erased. 

3. really? Yes. The first two I've got down. (Mostly.) I can receive forgiveness, I believe in the unfathomable grace of God covering my sin. But erasure? This one is tough for me. I believe it, because I'm supposed to... but I do not live in a way that shows that I believe this. I am incapable of forgetting my sin. They knock on my shoulder daily... they try and sneak their way in again and again... but God erases them. The victory is already there... 

I wish I could live in this truth better. Oh me of little faith, God help me.  

Sunday, June 27, 2010



The long awaited date for graduation has arrived... I have received my Master's degree and fist pumped my way off the stage of the Pritzker Pavilion in Millineum Park. I will be honest, I never thought I would ever get a Master's as a child, I wonder why? 

So here I am, with all the time in the world. Making big decisions about moving to Dallas, away from Chicago, and looking for an art therapy job. 2 weeks ago I was freaking out... should I stay in Chicago, or move away, and if I move, should I go back to Dallas or Oklahoma, or try somewhere new with people I love, like Denver or New York?

I thought I would pray and then I would know the answer to this question. Turns out that kind of worked, but it wasn't until I really started seeking God and really knocking, that doors would begin to open for me. Preston told me a story one day when I was talking about my decision, it goes something like, but not even close to this:

There was a poor man who asked God everyday to win the lottery. He said all he needed was to win the lottery, and so he prayed and prayed to win.
Then one day, God appeared from the sky in a major bolt of thunder (or from a stone on the ground, or the sea?)... anyways, the man asked God, everyday I prayed and prayed to You to win the lottery, but you give me nothing, not even a penny.
And God said back to him, "Throw me a freakin' bone here and at least buy a lottery ticket."

Isn't it funny when weird stories really hit you!? This one did. I decided all I needed was to start buying tickets. (by the way, I love it when people encourage me through hilarious parables!) So I bought tickets all week, I emailed art therapists all over Dallas. I emailed people here in Chicago asking about jobs and even applied for one. I emailed an art therapist in Denver. I bought tickets.

Turns out, buying tickets helps you make decisions. All of the art therapists in Dallas emailed me back, and even forwarded my email to other art therapists in the city. And none of the Chicago jobs came through...

The whole week before I had been saying, I will just stay in Chicago for one year, and I will get my art therapy supervised hours, and I will be successful, and then I will move back to Oklahoma or Texas. (Maybe the "I will be successful" was only said in my head, but just being honest, I thought it... I'm the worst!)

... so my decision was becoming more and more clear, along with other major factors in my decision making, such as family and friends. Thursday I was 90% sure Dallas was the right decision for me.

I read James 4:13-16 :

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money." Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."As it is, you boast and brag. All such boasting is evil.

So I read that, and thought how weird, this sounds exactly like what I have been saying... Okay Lord, I'm starting to listen. That one was a bit obvious.!?

So my friend Stephanie comes in town...

... who also happens to live in Dallas...

And we go to a cubs game, and while I am there I get an email from an art therapist I had met with in the Dallas area, asking me for an interview. My answer was totally confirmed. Cool, huh? Weird, yes. 

So my week was challenging, but God was faithful. I have been memorizing Psalm 139, and verse 25says, I go before you and I follow you, I place my hand of blessing on your head.

God went before me, was with me while I made the decision to move, and followed me with the interview. Faithful. 

I wasn't planning on writing this to be honest. Sometimes I have a hard time committing. Sometimes I want to take my decision back. Come to think of it, my head is spinning as I write this right now... But then again, 2 days after the Cubs game, I read James 5:12, let your "yes" be yes. and your "no" be no.

Done and done. Hands clean, decision made. I'm not turning back. 

Amen. Grace and Peace.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Nighttime Prowl

... Okay, maybe that was a creepy title... but it's fitting, I promise. I don't know about you, but something about internet surfing at night is intriguing and hilarious. I look up the oddest things at night, searching craigslist for odd items that I think I need, like a typewriter. Or searching to see if the shirt I want is on sale yet... and pondering impossible questions that Patagonia always seems to pose... the night is very different internet surfing than daytime for me. Daytime I may check a few of my regular favorite blogs, maybe some news, but probably not, and the rest of the time it's business. (Hey sometimes business is checking facebook.)

So here is a gathering of tonight's findings:

... all the while listening to a range of music that seem only appropriate after nightfall, such as The xx.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Giraffe's have the biggest heart out of any mammal. So, I made this image for a person who has a really big heart...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I thought this was applicable...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Garden of Poppies

From my first solo exhibit! Thanks to everyone who stopped by!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Do you have those overwhelming moments where you just trust? I just simply looked out the window, as the rain pours down and I sit in this coffee shop, listening to beautiful music, and I became filled with joy and hope. It started in my stomach and poured into my arms as they type the finishing notes to my thesis, and up to my eyes, and then back in my stomach.

It's these moments, where there are no words to describe what it's like to know the Savior. To know that He has an ultimate plan that is inescapably better than mine, and to know that heaven, whatever that may look like, is going to be new. We will be new. Our hope and joy will feel like these split moments where we trust. 

grace and peace.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Firewood. Grills. Summertime.

Is that why I am so drawn to this image? Summertime lingering in the near future... a great backyard and grill ready to be used... spring rain and overcast skies only to bring the green a new?

Or is it simply the stacking? The piling on of fresh cut wood to form a tower, with the city paused in the background, reminds me of information stacked and stacked until a clear picture is made.

My mind is currently being taken over by my thesis. Information continues to build until I can no longer add anymore logs... I am at the top of that pile, close to the peak, and close to being unable to add anymore logs.

Summertime. One month away and I will be in summertime, job searching and grilling to my hearts content.

Can't wait.

Monday, March 29, 2010


As a 9 month old baby, I looked to the ceiling, pointed to the chandelier that hung over our living room and declared, "light." 

This was my first word. 

Today, in class, we had an assignment to create an image that describes one of our character traits. An image of a hanging lightbulb appeared to me, an image that has been recurrent throughout the past month. I think I have a lot in common with light. Or I would like to have more in common with it. Or I maybe I just desire it more in my life...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Dove Hands

I have a desire for a tattoo, but I have yet to find one that I love enough to last... But I am forever on the search...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Current Inspiration

Thanks to my Mom, I have been looking at fabrics by Carolyn Quartermaine. I am seeking inspiration for my upcoming art show on April 3!

It fanciful, memorable, and inviting, and that is why I love it! 

Find more at

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Purple Toes

I intern at a studio in Evanston, where I work with all populations of people. From adults to 2 year olds, I have covered the gamut. One of my favorite groups is with 2-4 year olds and their moms. It is such an interesting world to peer into, moms and their children. One child loves paint. But not with a paintbrush. He loves to paint with his feet. Any opportunity he gets, his feet are on a plate full of paint and he walks around, smiling so big no one can stop him, even his mom. And that's the purpose of the studio. To be free to walk around with paint squishing between your toes, and to enjoy squeezing as much glue out of the bottle as you want. 

I remembered this image as I was writing my thesis. Here is a sneak peek: 

At the art studio I am currently interning at, I often hear people say, “I love being in this space, can I stay here all day?” The studio’s walls are covered in the indulgence of paint that has moved off of paper into the space permanently. Drips of electric pink, dark brown, gold, and green adorn the molding that wraps around the studio. The wood floors have splatters of paint and footprints from children who once immersed their toes in the gush of paint. This space, inhibited by so many different people inspires and invites others to join in on the freedom and yet the boundaries contained in this storefront studio space. We cannot neglect the influence that other people have on our creative spirit. 

grace and peace. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vicarious Space

I love my brother's photography. I love living vicariously through his eyes. I love wondering what is different about his reaction to the photos as opposed to what I feel when I look at them. I imagine it is like that with every photograph and their viewer.

I want an art studio that has these beautiful doors.

The image holds a powerful place. One that is in between my brother and I. It is a bridge. Or a sphere, that connects us.

Monday, February 15, 2010

OKC: Times are a changin'

Wayne Coyne's
new home
Oklahoma City

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Searching For Cheap Treasures

I love this watch from JCrew... but the price is a bit excessive.

Timex for Jcrew: $150

So I found this look-a-like at Target.
Timex for Target: $29.

And I decided, I could get a strap from JCrew and meet the look for $120 less than buying the entire watch at JCrew.

Straps from Jcrew: 2 for $30.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Good Story

For class this week, we had to make a Life Book. It was decently daunting since we also had to include in it our futures. My first memories were very specific, for example, reciting Psalms 100 at church in front of hundreds when I was 5, and because I got such a great response, I also recited it at our garage sale. Or at preschool, everyday when I walked into The Little Red Playhouse the teacher would ask me, "Did you have french fries for lunch today? Did you bring me back any??" She always wanted to know about french fries...

And then, as I got older, the memories were still specific, but much more meaningful, and often tragic. They were embarrassing moments, like when I kissed a boy for the first time and he had just eaten Nacho Cheese Doritos, I was so ashamed and grossed out
I broke up with him the next day. And when we thought my Mom's brain tumor was back, I remember my family telling us at our grandmother's house, we saw the x-rays. I was tough, I didn't cry, I looked at the scans and declared that nothing was there. And then I started getting in trouble at school... shooting spit wads at kids.

In high school and college I remember feelings more than specifics. I remember accomplishments and letdowns. And I remember friends, and how I felt when I was with them. I know how I felt boarding the plane to move to Chicago, and the moment that Julie got there and we moved her in, and recently the sadness of her leaving Chicago.

As I began to write my future, I added in my hopes and dreams. I get married. I have a successful career. I have cute hilarious children. I have perfection. But it was almost boring. I look back and the hard moments in my life created who I am today. They turned into some of my biggest blessings. But how could I write tragedy into my future? You can't.

Life is full of curves. But if I were writing my own story, I wouldn't write any curves. It would be a straight line, or better yet with an uphill slant. But I'm not writing my own story. Someone much greater is writing that story for me. Someone who knows much
better than I do how life should go.

For example: Never would I have written this picture into my own story. But what a wonderful thing that Someone else wrote it in for me.

Evolution of Man Circa 2010.

grace and peace.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


I think I might watch too much TV... or perhaps I am overly affected by media. I am sitting at a coffee shop, attempting to focus and work on my thesis... minding my own business. A dramatic Michael Bublé began to dance in my ears, and a man with a black bow tie on a tuxedo shirt, long trench coat, and black gloves walks in, and catches my eye. His hair is slicked back, and he begins to reach in my pocket. And all I can think, as he scopes out the room for his target (or probably just somewhere to sit), is surely he has a gun in his pocket. Why else would a man in a tuxedo shirt walk into a coffee shop with black gloves on and his hand stuck in his pocket?And now he keeps switching seats. For the third time. His position is now locked in the back of the room, where noone can sneak up behind him, and his eyes are focused on everyone. He has no coffee, no book, just himself.

So my imagination is fierce these days. Perhaps it is all of the kids I have been hanging out with lately. But why am I so suspicious of a man alone with nothing to do? What is it about people being "still" that I can't handle? Why isn't he doing something my mind squeals. Well he isn't, and that is fine with him. If only I could be still. If only my mind would rest, and I could be content not doing. Maybe it should be a goal for me this week. Not doing.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

These are his confessions

I will now call to mind my past foulness, and the carnal corruptions of my soul: not because I love them, but that I may love Thee, O my God. For love of Thy love I do it; reviewing my most wicked ways in the very bitterness of my rememberance, that Thou mayest grow sweet unto me; (thou sweetness never failing, Though blissful and assured sweetness;) and gather me again out of that my dissipation, wherein I was torn piecemeal, while turned from Thee, the One Good, I lost myself among a multiplicity of things. For I even burnt in my youth hertofore, to be satiated in things below; and I dared to grow wild again, with these various and shadowy loves; my beauty consumed away,and I stand in Thine eyes; pleasing myself, and desirous to please in the eyes of men.

--Augustine Confessions.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Albery Exergian's Art Posters

This Austrian designer has combined his love of modernism and American TV to create these great posters!

.. this one is lines of cocaine for Miami Vice, however my favorite aesthetically...

And of course, for Lost, my new favorite show.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Happy Valentines Day?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Ice Climbing

A waterfall, frozen in time. Breathtaking. Awesome. Humbling. Worship.

I was so overwhelmed by this view. Of the waterfall, of the ice, the blue and yellow crystals that sparkle differently depending on what angle you catch it at. The hike up to the fall, encompassing trees protecting us. Snow covered ground that was so deep in spots I would fall and giggle like a child. Joy streamed through my veins and peace filled my heart. On that path, I knew there was something more out there than just me. Something more to life than my small finite world. A Creator. There had to be. If there wasn't, then what am I living for?

I was so humbled I hit my knees in the middle of the forest. Megan and Jack were at least 100 feet ahead of me. It was dark, I turned off my headlamp and fell straight to the ground. Worship satiated my entire being, it took over me, and there I was, in the middle of the path, unable to move, on my knees. Jack called out to me, embarrassed I yelled, I'm here, I don't get outside much, remember? And so I sat. Because, though I wanted to get up, I couldn't. I was forced to take a moment from my day, and just BE. To respond to the creation around me, and to give thanks. I'm thankful for that moment. I needed it, I needed to be reminded of the power and awe of who it is I claim to worship daily. I needed to be reminded that He is faithful to be there for me, no matter what, that He alone is my protector and my peace. My comfort and my shelter. My joy and hope.
The Roots: How I Got Over

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I'm currently in NYC... visiting my brother, working on my thesis, and seeing friends.

There is something magical about this city... some kind of spirit unknown to other cities. And I wonder, how did it become this way? How did it get to be the city where "it" all begins?

I've decided it's almost a shame to come here for less than a week. In my case it is simple, I have a brother who welcomes me in with a free place to stay... and a hat full of wonderful places to eat delicious things such as arepas.

But this week might be special... I am hoping to meet one of the more influential artists in the past 2 years, Makoto Fujimura. Here is an excerpt from a paper I wrote about him:

Mako, as his friends call him, use to revere art as “our definition of God” (Fujimura, 2007, p. 6). And then his wife started attending church, and so he went, reluctantly. He came to know the missionaries at the church and was intrigued by them, he saw that they were convinced of the reality of Christ. Fujimura was conflicted, because the more he sought internal discipline, and to know himself, the less he could possess outward love. He saw that these missionaries had both inward and outward love, as well as a refreshing and honest view of themselves. But there were still many things he disagreed with in the Bible, and stated that he could not become a Christian. Then one day Mako read a 120 page long poem by William Blake, and his allegiance shifted from Art to Christ. He came to find that Art would not sustain his relationship to others and God, but that in Christ Mako would find his true identity in his Creator. In response to this conversion, he began The Twin Rivers series. He calls them his “transfer of allegiance” paintings (Fujimura, 2007). At the completion of these paintings, Professor Matazo Kayama, his advisor and a celebrated Japanese artist of the Nihonga tradition, found favor in the eyes of Mako’s work. Kayama noted, there is “no question about your sensibility to the tradition and materials, just avoid being too religious with your works” (Fujimura, 2007, p.11). I wondered if Mako faces this kind of hesitation often in regards to his faith? So I asked him, “How often, if ever, do you receive a negative reaction to your faith?” He responded gracefully, saying, “The negative reactions are often muted exclusions from the main stream… I believe that when I pray, ‘Thy Will be done’, I am asking God to close doors as well as open them… so I do not see it as a negative to be ignored and excluded… I am creating a unique niche that only my unique makeup and training can create. In that sense, an artist needs to be always willing to be a misfit” (M. Fujimura, personal communication, April 30, 2009). Makoto is proud of his faith, and if he is not heard, he is not off-put, but simply shakes the dust off his feet and keeps moving. This is what Jesus’ disciples did when they were expelled from their region (Acts 13:50-52).

Here is an image of his art

For more, go to

He is an amazing artist, with an amazing desire to transform our world, and I might get to meet him this week!


My photo
I like to dance all night, and some of the day.