
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Greatest Reward?

Music always gets me. It recaptures my soul in a new way, sometimes by the music, sometimes the vocals, and often the lyrics.

Today's song that is enormously on my heart is "Greatest Reward" from Shane and Shane's new CD.

I love You, Lord.
Jesus, my King.
I want to love You more.
My Great Reward.

I have this treasure in a jar of clay.
All your glory on display.
In a sinner who is saved by grace.
You have made me dwell in place.

I'm not sure what it is about his specific song, the way it is sung, or the way it stops right after the words jar of clay. Jar of clay. What does this mean? All I can think of is the 90s band I adored. But it is talking about US. We are the clay, our bodies are the jar. We have the Spirit of God dwelling inside of us. That's bananas. But is it enough?

I am often outstripped by the desires of this world. I want friends, I want success, I want a new item at American Apparel, I want to watch Gossip Girl, and I want love. Most of all I want love.

None of these things are bad. In fact, most of all, God also wants love.

So where does this leave me today, in this moment? Kierkegaard said "To love one's self in the right way, and to love one's neighbor are absolutely analogous concepts."

How can I uphold God's greatest command, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your strength, and Love your neighbor as yourself? My heart is distracted by all of my earthly, very tangible desires for this LOVE.

Last night I watched a movie, 500 days of summer. And this idea of Love was dismantled. A boy was in love with love. But the place he was searching for it was a disaster and full of heartache.

I think I have to look first to God for this love, and then, as I am satisfied by Him, I will be able to love myself, and to love others. Simple, right? I wish.

Do I look to God as my greatest reward? Or am I looking for earthly love to be my greatest reward?

Grace and Peace.


My photo
I like to dance all night, and some of the day.