
Sunday, February 10, 2008

I am so worried I have not done enough for my application for Grad School. I have applied to start a Masters Program in the fall for Art Therapy. I have sent in all of my required documents, and the interview is in two weeks. Everything that is required of me somehow does not feel like enough. Why? Why do I feel the need to be doing more?

Isn't that much like our walk with God sometimes? All that He asks of us is to simply believe (much like turning in my application.) done. That is all that is required of me. So why don't I believe that God's requirements are enough? I have read the checklist multiple times:



Why do we make it into more than it is? Why do we add checks? So we can mark them off and see progress? We search for good things to do in hopes of earning God's favor. You know what God thinks about our righteous acts? They are like dirty rags. Filthy vomit-soaked towels from the night before. Sucks, huh? That no matter how good our acts are, they aren't good enough. Or... AWEsome, that nothing we do can make Jesus love us less. That he loves our righteous acts as much as our messy thoughts and actions. Beautiful. Unworthy.

I rack my brain for things I can do to "finish" my application. But, It is finished.

Salvation is here. I have believed. I still believe. I am believing.

I need to rest in that. Rest in the waiting room and enjoy today.
That is my job also as a believer. To do all that is required, and wait. Rest in the fact that salvation is already gauranteed. I'm in. Congratulations, University of Heaven is glad to welcome you to our program!

Let us rejoice in not having to do anything, in the fact that Grace has decided we are a good applicant for the program.

Somehow we have a distorted view of the gospel.

Distortion: God Loves me, Therefore I am Great.

Reality: How Great is He?

Tonight, I will rest in the Father's promise, That I suck and am loved for it.


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I like to dance all night, and some of the day.