A waterfall, frozen in time. Breathtaking. Awesome. Humbling. Worship.
I was so overwhelmed by this view. Of the waterfall, of the ice, the blue and yellow crystals that sparkle differently depending on what angle you catch it at. The hike up to the fall, encompassing trees protecting us. Snow covered ground that was so deep in spots I would fall and giggle like a child. Joy streamed through my veins and peace filled my heart. On that path, I knew there was something more out there than just me. Something more to life than my small finite world. A Creator. There had to be. If there wasn't, then what am I living for?
I was so humbled I hit my knees in the middle of the forest. Megan and Jack were at least 100 feet ahead of me. It was dark, I turned off my headlamp and fell straight to the ground. Worship satiated my entire being, it took over me, and there I was, in the middle of the path, unable to move, on my knees. Jack called out to me, embarrassed I yelled, I'm here, I don't get outside much, remember? And so I sat. Because, though I wanted to get up, I couldn't. I was forced to take a moment from my day, and just BE. To respond to the creation around me, and to give thanks. I'm thankful for that moment. I needed it, I needed to be reminded of the power and awe of who it is I claim to worship daily. I needed to be reminded that He is faithful to be there for me, no matter what, that He alone is my protector and my peace. My comfort and my shelter. My joy and hope.
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